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eclipseland photo editionExperience the beauty and brilliance of solar and lunar eclipses, rare astronomical events and constellations. Dive into the depths of sky with pictures of the eclipseland photo edition!

I captured the astronomical events not only above home Rhine Main area in Germany, but also travelled to distant countries.  So these images were taken e.g. in Zimbabwe, at the Kruger National Park (South Africa), China and in Central America.

In my experience reports stories, impressions and backgrounds, how these pictures have been created and further pictures of the journeys and observation sites can be found.

Sun, Moon and stars continuously provide new astronomical views and eclipses. This gallery increases permanently. Brandnew my pictures are published as photos and videos first on AstroNation.

Stephan Heinsius.


Other Constellations(13)

Atmospheric Astronomy(1)

Lunar Eclipses(12)

Planet Occultations(1)

Solar Eclipses(28)

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