(in alphabetical order)Astronomy Picture of the Day (NASA)
German Society for School Astronomy
3. Bergsträßer Weltraumtage: Lecture in German Language "Im Banne der kosmischen Schatten" (Schuldorf Bergstraße, Seeheim-Jugenheim (Germany), 20.02.2010)
2. Bergsträßer Weltraumtage: Lecture in German Language "Eclipse - Die Welt der kosmischen Schatten" (Schuldorf Bergstraße, Seeheim-Jugenheim (Germany), 20.02.2009)
Dreieich Zeitung
Publication of numerous images and textual articles of astronomical contentEclipse City
InterSoles 1: Planning, preparation and coordination of an international conference and exhibition event to the subject of solar eclipses in Jiayuguan (China) in the forefront of the total solar eclipse on 01. August 2008.InterSoles 1: Lecture in English language "Eclipse - The Cosmic Shadow" (Jiugang Hotel, Jiayuguan, China)
InterSoles 2: Workshop in Englich language: "Capturing the best Views of the Eclipse visually and photographically" (Shangi-La Hotel, Shanghai)
Tour guidance of an ad hoc tour from Shanghai to Chongqing (China) on the occasion of the total solar eclipse on 22. July 2009
IS Nr. 67 Dezember/Januar 2010, Abb. 2, S. 65
Karawane Reisen
Astronomical travel attendance in Central Anatolia (Turkey) on the occasion of the total solar eclipse on 29. March 2006Lecture in German Language: "Eclipse - Der kosmische Schatten" (Hotel Özkaymak, Konya)
Mecklenburg (Zeitschrift für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)
Nr. 2/2002 S.10-11 Mondschatten über Mecklenburg - Die ringförmige Sonnenfinsternis vom 17. April 1912 (Article in German language about the annular eclipse on 12. April 1912)
Offenbach Post
Publication of images and textual articles of astronomical contentSterne und Weltraum
Publication of numerous images and textual articles regarding solar and lunar eclipses (in German language):1999 - SuW 6-7/99 Abb. 3 Der Mondschatten über dem Meer S. 579
1999 - SuW Special 4 Sonne: Abb. (Sonnenfinsternis 1984) S. 12
2001 - SuW 10/2001: "Die schwarze Sonne über dem Zambesi" S. 892-896
2003 - SuW 5/2003: Abb.1 Mondfinsternis vom 16. September 1997 S. 46
2003 - SuW 5/2003: "Halbschattenfinsternis am 20. Nov. 2002" S. 51
2004 - Ahnerts Astronomisches Jahrbuch 2004: Abb. 164 Partielle Phase der Mondfinsternis am 16. September 1997 S. 127
2005 - SuW 8/2005: "Ein Hauch von Totalität" S. 66-69
2006 - Ahnerts Astronomisches Jahrbuch 2006: Abb. 13 Mondfinsternis am 4. Mai 2004 über Limburg und dem Feldberg/Ts. S. 19
2009 - SuW 10/2009: "Schwarzer Himmel über China" Abb. S. 89 Mitte
2011 - Ahnerts Astronomisches Jahrbuch 2011: Mondfinsternis vom 4. Mai 2004 S. 94
TWAN (The World at Night)
Publication of astronomical pictures at the Guest GalleryExhibitions with pictures of the eclipseland photo edition
2001 - Zambesi Corona (Deutsche Bank AG, Dreieich, Germany)2003 - Zambesi Corona (Dresdner Bank AG, Giessen, Germany)
2003 - Astronomische Ausblicke (Cytyc Germany GmbH, Pohlheim, Germany)
2003 - Himmelssicheln (Foto Plus, Dreieich, Germany)
2008 - Eclipsewalk (Eclipse City Ltd., Jiayuguan ,China)
2008 - Terra Universa (Gewerbeverein Steinheim e.V. & DFG, Hanau-Steinheim, Germany)
2009 - Kunstmarkt (art market) (Galerie am Sandböhl, Groß-Gerau, Germany)