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Venus Eclipse 2007

The Occultation of Venus on 18. June 2007

Experience Report

Due to unpredictable cloud conditions the occultation of Venus on 18.06.2007 could be observed only limitedly in Dreieich, Germany. The clouds kept up just there especially persistently, where the moon stood. So the ingress of Venus behind the dark side of the moon at 16:16 could not be observed.

Until a few minutes before egress the moon could be observed well. But exactly at 17:37 small light clouds moved in front of the moon. They were strong enough to let the egress not be visible. A few minutes after egress the beauty of beaming Venus above the lunar surface could be seen for a short time. A few photos through a SkyWatcher 70/700 were possible.

Moon and Venus

17:48 Rise of the diamond shaped Venus above the lunar surface

Moon and Venus on 18.06.2007, 11 minutes after egress of Venus, at 17:48 MESZ, taken with a Jenoptik JD5.0z3 digital camera through a SkyWatcher 70/700. Observation site: Dreieich-Götzenhain, Germany.

Unfortunately Venus could not be shown any more at that time on the live transmission on AstroNation. A small hit on the leg of the tripod, that carried the telescope for the transmission was enough to shift the image, without having enough opportunity to correct it, because just too many clouds were underway. Additionally it was hardly possible to see the image on the PC in bright sunlight, and so to control the WebCam.

Despite that Moon and Venus could be broadcast later live in less detail of the SkyWacher 80/400.

A cloud situation at the limit between visibility and non-visibility and working at the PC in bright sunlight made this daysky event a first class observation challenge.

Stephan Heinsius, Dreieich, 18. June 2007 and 05. January 2008

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